

Baumit Germany offers a broad programme

1,250 guests travelled to the event and used the congress to network for the construction industry. They included specialist tradespeople, architects, scientists and representatives from the specialised trade. Visitors were faced with a number of controversial topics: How is the construction industry currently developing? Which recycling approaches show potential? What about new living concepts? From specialist presentations to discussions – Baumit Germany shone with a successful event. 50 speakers had their say during these three eventful days. Oportunities and risks in the construction industry, solutions to the ongoing shortage of skilled labour, climate protection, the energy transition, sustainability and the circular economy – experts spoke and drew unusual parallels. From an exciting journey into space to Formula 1, everything was covered. 

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1 250 гостей відвідали захід і скористалися конгресом для налагодження зв'язків у будівельній галузі.

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