

You haven’t heard of Baumit CrystalSet yet? Then we present an unbeatable duo here. A mineral plaster and a primer that activates the crystal effect. 

The innovative Baumit CrystalSet consists of two components that work together perfectly: Firstly, Baumit CrystalActivator is applied as a primer. The mineral plaster Baumit CrystalTop is then applied on top. And now it happens! A closed and solid surface is formed and the unique crystal effect becomes visible. And that puts an end to dirty facades.

Our innovation works like a mackintosh
We have managed to give the cement binder a „mackintosh“! This means that it does not harden when wet in the bucket. Only when it comes into contact with the primer, the CrystalActivator, does the „mackintosh“ disintegrate and the Baumit CrystalTop becomes hard.

The first ready-to-use mineral plaster in a bucket
Baumit has added another advantage: the plaster comes ready to use in a bucket and does not need to be diluted. Conventional mineral plasters are products in powder form. Packed in bags, their binding process begins as soon as they are mixed with water.

The setting process starts at the optimum time.
Baumit makes processing easier: the mineral binder is stabilised until the paste-like plaster comes into contact with the CrystalActivator. And this is what sets the setting process in motion.

Natural and breathable

  • First mineral plaster in a bucket with an organic content ≤ 5%

  •  ≥ 95% crystalline & inorganic raw materials from natural quarries

  •  Extremely breathable with water vapour permeability class V1

Anti-dust & anti-greying

  • Crystal effect for crystal-clear facades

  • ≥ 75% new mineral binder for significantly reduced greying

  • Best resistance

Extremely durable

  • Revolutionary mineral binder technology

  • Non-thermoplastic surface to reduce dirt pick-up

  •  Outstanding beauty & durable facade

Why does mineral façade plaster always remain solid?

Mineral renders do not change at high temperatures. This is due to the mineral binder. The mineral binder does not deform when the sun hits the façade. As a result, dirt cannot adhere to the façade. Paste-like renders contain artificial binders that become soft at extreme temperatures. They are more susceptible to dirt.