

For us, being sustainable means acting today for tomorrow. All 24 countries together. So that our world will still be standing tomorrow. In one word: GO2morrow

GO2morrow stands on three pillars
If we want to act sustainably, we must always ask ourselves three questions:

Is what we are doing good for people?

Is what we are doing good for the environment and the climate?

Is what we are doing good for the development of the company?

The social, economic and ecological pillars must always be in balance. It is not enough to think about just one.

GO2morrow is a great promise
GO2morrow is our attitude and the standard we set ourselves. As a leading manufacturer of building materials in Europe, we are driven by the desire to take ecological, social and economic responsibility.

We are proud of this:

We save CO2 with 45 million m2 of façade insulation per year:

· 1 million tonnes of CO2e per year 

· 800 million tonnes of CO2e since the market launch of Baumit thermal insulation

What is the difference between CO2 and CO2e?

CO2 is pure carbon dioxide. There are also other greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming, such as nitrous oxide and methane gas, which are produced in agriculture. In order to compare their effect on the climate, the effect of CO2 is taken and measured against it. The unit of measurement for greenhouse gas emissions is CO2e, or CO2 equivalent. A CO2 equivalent is determined for each greenhouse gas – i.e. its GWP factor (Global Warming Potential factor). This GWP factor will accompany us into the future as a concept and we must work to ensure that it decreases year on year.

We are not resting on our laurels
That is why we have set ourselves clear goals that we want to achieve together by 2030. Three in each of the three GO2morrow pillars.

Our ecological goals

20% less CO2e
How do we want to achieve this? By focussing heavily on improving the formulations of our products. For example, we are focussing on environmentally friendly binders. We are also focussing on packaging materials: We use recycled material wherever possible. In order to achieve this major goal, we check annually how much the CO2e footprint has decreased across the entire Baumit Group. We might even manage more! 

10% less or green energy per tonne of building material produced
We have set ourselves the target of using 10% less energy. Wherever possible, we are switching to green energy. 

We have already installed many solar panels. We want even more, because every single panel brings us a little closer to our goal. We are utilising solar energy even more than before and therefore need less fossil energy.

10% more circular economy
You have probably already heard of GO2morrow recycled concrete. It is our pioneering product in terms of the circular economy, as it is made from 100% recycled aggregate. This means that no new raw materials are needed for its production.

We want to develop even more products of this type so that we can achieve our target – 10% recycled concrete content – by 2030.

We think about the disposal of a product right from the development stage. This means that every product component must be able to be cleanly separated when the design is at the end of its life cycle. Have you heard of StarTrack? The adhesive anchor that makes dowelling unnecessary and enables the clean dismantling of ETICS? Then find out more here.

Into the future with StarTrack

Simple dismantling
Previously, the insulation material was fixed to the wall with wall plugs. Now you first attach StarTrack adhesive anchors to the wall. Then the insulation material is placed on top. This lasts for at least 40 years, and 70 years or more with good maintenance. If you now want to dismantle the façade, first strip the top layer. Then you simply remove the insulation layer from the wall – without any annoying dowel shafts.

Pure recycling
The removed components can now be cleanly separated from each other. The mostly mineral building materials such as adhesive and top layer are disposed of in the construction waste. The EPS is crushed or shredded and then used for new insulation materials. 

Our social goals

People are at the centre of our social objectives. 

Equal opportunities for all
All our employees should have equal opportunities. This is the only way they can and want to give their best. Our aim is to create a working environment that is inclusive and in which the same doors are open to everyone. We are particularly keen to employ more women at management level. Because they are the key to success. We see the diversity of people as potential to create something great together. Everyone contributes to this with their very special skills and talents. We live inclusion* and diversity**. In this way, we also strengthen the sense of belonging as a key factor of inner motivation and create a working environment in which everyone is prepared to go the extra mile.

Supporting people in the region
Our plants are not only the workplace for many people in the neighbourhood. We also want to do something for them personally. We have therefore decided to increasingly support local initiatives and projects. Whether local sponsorship, help for disadvantaged people, financial support, provision of tree materials or volunteer work – we want to and will do all we can to get involved.

Workplace without accidents
Preventing accidents at work has always been very important to us. By 2030, we have set ourselves the goal of having none at all. This is a major goal that we all have to work towards together. Because an accident can happen quickly. That’s why we have the “SOS Guide”, which improves the handling of equipment, loads and much more. We offer ongoing training courses to
familiarise our employees with equipment and tools. We also endeavour to keep
accidents to a minimum through occupational health care.

Inclusion means including someone in the community and not marginalising them. In the workplace, this means employing people with disabilities and making the workplace accessible. And, of course, including them in the team.

Diversity is “variety”. In the workplace, it specifically means that all
people are treated equally, regardless of origin, age, disability, gender, sexual identity and religion.

Our economic goals

Always focussing on the long-term success of the company

We want to grow safely
As a privately owned family business, we have strong values. Our values determine how we approach things. We want to grow, but in the long term. Our goal is to expand our market leadership in all segments. With prudence and as much time as it takes. Of course, this secure growth also secures jobs. Quality and care are our top priorities. Not quantity and quick profits. We have been following this path since our company was founded. And we have done so consistently and successfully.

We want to save raw materials and preserve nature
Our quarries are located in close proximity to our plants. This means that we can save on transport kilometres. With smart logistics, we manage to plan routes in such a way that there are fewer empty journeys.

Our aim is to use old buildings as a source of raw materials for new products. This allows us to save raw materials again. It is also very important to extend the life of a product. Anything that is used for longer only needs to be replaced later. Everything that we reuse and continue to use does not have to be “taken away” from nature. The Baumit BauMinator® 3D printer is a good example of how to save raw materials in a smart way. With 3D concrete printing, you not only need less material, but also save 30 to 50% in weight. And that means: up to 50% less CO2e!

We pay attention to a regional supply chain
We think carefully about which partners we choose. It is important that they act just as sustainably as we do. This means that they fulfil our high quality standards. The decisive factor when choosing a partner is not the lowest price, but regionality, short distances and fair trade. 

Our Baumit SOS Guide

In this context, SOS stands for Safety, Order and Sanitation. The international emergency signal SOS is the abbreviation for “Save our Souls”. Ultimately, this is also the aim of the SOS Guide with its guidelines and safety regulations.