

The new competence centre in Brandýs nad Labem was officially opened in June 2022 – this year it was named “Building of the Year 2023”.

A pavilion as a centre of excellence

General Director Pavel Med and Baumit Area Manager Christian Eibl cut the opening ribbon – together with architect Sebastian Nagy and the building contractor. Each of them sees different aspects of this architecturally striking building.

Use for the BauMinator®
We worked closely with our innovation centre in Wopfing right from the planning phase. Robot-assisted concrete 3D printing was also used during the construction phase. 

What was the architect thinking?
Sebastian Nagy wanted to create a building with an oasis of calm in the centre. And he succeeded. Inside there is a green atrium where you can retreat from the busy rooms. The building looks like a pavilion and has an insulating solid wall on the south and west façades. The reception area is bright and inviting.

No isolation?!
An office building – made only of concrete and glass without an insulation system. That’s how it looks at first glance. Baumit must have had something in mind, architect Ullmann is convinced. After all, the company knows something about building. So there’s nothing to worry about here.

For architect Pavel Ullmann, our pavilion is “world architecture”.

A manufacturer’s villa in an industrial estate
The author discovers the joy of Baumit’s success and pride in our pavilion. Why in the industrial area? Because this is where the manufacturers and their customers meet. So the location fits.

Just a wall in between
A wall separates the existing production area from the new pavilion. It is attached to this wall. It is open to the outside with a spacious entrance landscape. Inside there is a planted atrium.

The mould within the mould
The large rectangle forms the frame. Other rectangles are inserted into this rectangle. These are functional rooms arranged around the atrium. Some of the walls are glazed. Everything appears open and clear. You could be forgiven for thinking that the building could do without supports. 

Brand new home in Italy

Modern meeting rooms with touchscreens for video calls and a technical room for practical training sessions ensure the best possible customer service. Baumit Ionit and CreativTop are responsible for a healthy indoor climate and an aesthetically pleasing atmosphere. Our Italian colleagues are looking forward to your visit!

France expands

New, more accessible and larger, the headquarters in Vaires-sur-Marne also has its own training centre.