

Together we can reach them.

Our vision of a sustainable future

Regardless of the area or country in which we work,
we all have one goal in mind. Our corporate values guide us
on the way there. This goal is our vision.

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Sustainability is Go2morrow

For us, being sustainable means acting today for tomorrow. All 24 countries together. So that our world will still be standing tomorrow. In one word: GO2morrow

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Interview with Dorijan Rajković,

the managing director Baumit International

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Today in the spotlight

Find out what motivates and inspires our colleagues.

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News from the world of our production

State-of-the-art production technology with a view of Schleswig-Holstein from the highest industrial building in the region.

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Experts always Finish First

Everyone wants a good indoor climate. Baumit mineral interior plasters make a significant contribution to this.

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We set the trend

You haven‘t heard of
Baumit CrystalSet yet?

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For Color Explorer

With our new Baumit facade app, we are using artificial intelligence for the first time! This makes us proud pioneers for AI on the facade. It’s best to try it out now!

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We are happy about that

The new competence centre in Brandýs nad Labem was officially opened in June 2022 – this year it was named “Building of the Year 2023”.

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What we celebrated

30 years on the Czech market and 20 years “Facade of the Year”: Baumit Czech Republic invited to the Karlin Forum in Prague.

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STAR HOUR BauMinator®

One third less concrete and steel. 25% less CO2. For the world‘s largest ceiling of its kind.

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Great Stories behind great buildings

We don’t just produce building materials, but entire buildings.

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